Rs. 5,000 Crore annually to 17 Lakh students belonging to SC, ST, BC, Minorities, Kapu, EBC and Differently-Abled communities, on a saturation basis. In addition, several other educational scholarship schemes worth Rs.1,500 Crore are administered through the Jnanabhumi portal.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh have decided to implementing the Post Metric Scholarships scheme, to all eligible students belonging to the SC, ST, BC, EBC (other than Kapu), Kapu, Minority, Differently Abled categories, on a saturation basis.
The disbursal of scholarship is categorised into two schemes;
(a) RTF: to provide full fee reimbursement to every eligible student, i.e. Full Fee (Tuition Fee, Special Fees, Other Fees & Exam Fees) as defined in the G.O.Ms.No. 66 , SW(Edn) Dept., dated 8-9-2010 and as fixed by the competent authorities is reimbursed to all eligible students. ii. Full fee shall be credited to the respective College accounts on behalf of students.
(b) MTF : to provide Rs.10,000/- per person to ITI students, Rs.15,000/- per person to Polytechnic students, Rs.20,000/- per person for other Degree and above courses per year to every eligible student for food and hostel expenses. MTF shall be credited into the respective account of the mother of the eligible student. In case of the demise or absence of the mother, the amount shall be credited to the account of the natural guardian of the student.
(a) Eligible Students:
The students under the following categories are eligible for availing the Schemes.
i. All the students, pursuing Polytechnic, ITI and Degree & above level courses in Government/Aided/Private colleges, affiliated to State Universities / Boards.
ii. Day scholar students, students in College Attached Hostels (CAH) and Department Attached Hostels (DAH).
iii. 75% of the aggregate attendance is mandatory for release of scholarships.
(b) In - eligible Students:
The students under the following categories are not eligible for availing the Schemes.
i. Studying in Private Universities / Deemed Universities.
ii. Pursuing Correspondence / Distance education courses.
iii. Admitted under Management / Spot Quota.
(c) Income Eligibility:
i. The total family annual income to be less than or equal to Rs.2.50 lakhs.
ii. The total land holding of the family to be less than 10.00 acres of wet or 25.00 acres of dry or 25.00 acres both wet and dry land together.
iii. No member of the family should be a government employee/ pensioner (all sanitary workers irrespective of their salary/ recruitment, are eligible. The Social Welfare Department shall develop a robust & fool-proof system of certification of parents of the beneficiaries under category of "Sanitary workers").
iv. No member of the family should own a four-wheeler (Taxies/Tractors/Autos are exempted).
v. A family who owns no property or less than 1500 Sft of built up area (Residential or Commercial) in urban areas is eligible.
vi. No member of the family should be an income tax payee.
The following steps may be followed while applying for the PMS Scheme:
(a) Fresh Applications: