Maxwell class assignment one walkthrough

A Student

An Introduction From the Author:

cover image

Welcome to the website for A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations, and thanks for visiting. The purpose of this site is to supplement the material in the book by providing resources that will help you understand Maxwell’s Equations. On this site, you’ll find:

Complete solutions to every problem in the book
You can get a series of hints to help you solve the problem, or you can see the full solution straight away. Just use the menu on the left to click on one of the Chapters, select “Problems,” and pick the problem you want to work on.

Audio podcasts
For every module in the chapters covering the four Maxwell’s Equations, I’ll walk you through the major concepts contained within that module. These audio files can be streamed to your computer so you can hear them immediately, or you can use your favorite podcast-catching software to grab and store them. Here's a .pdf file with links to the podcasts.

Three-dimensional models of electric and magnetic fields
The twelve sketches of electric and magnetic fields shown in Figures 1.1 and 2.1 in the book are available on this site as VRML files so you can see the fields in three dimensions. You’ll need a VRML plug-in for your browser to view these files – you can find several free 3D viewers on the Web (I’ve been using Cortona® with good success).

Review of rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates
To keep the book short (and inexpensive), I didn’t include a review of coordinate systems in the text – so it’s here on the website. If you’re a bit fuzzy on how to get from from (x,y,z) to (r, theta, phi), or from (Ax, Ay, Az) to (Ar, Atheta, Aphi), then you should take a look at this review, which is in .pdf format.
Click Here To Download

I hope you find the material on this site helpful, and I’m interested in any comments you may have as to how this site could be more useful to you. Thanks for your time.

To contact Dan Fleisch, send an e-mail to