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Chase Bank Kenya

Financial Data

Below is a list of financial results for Chase Bank, Nairobi. (Bank Holding Company)
There are years of financial data for this bank.
Financial Datapoint 2021 2022 2023
Cash and Balance at Central Bank(s)
Gross Total Loans
Loans and Advances to Financial Institutions
Loans and Advances to Corporate Customers
Loans and Advances to Public Institutions
Loans and Advances to Retail Customers
Allowance for Loan Losses
Net Loans
Trading Securities
Available-for-Sale Securities
Held-to-Maturity Securities
Derivatives (Assets)
Total Assets
Average Assets
Shariah-compliant Assets
High Quality Liquid Assets
Gross Impaired Loans
Stage 1 Loans
Stage 2 Loans
Stage 3 Loans
Allowance for Stage 1 Loans
Allowance for Stage 2 Loans
Allowance for Stage 3 Loans
Allowance for POCI
Deposits made by the Central Bank
Gross Total Deposits
Retail Customer Deposits
Deposits by Banks
Corporate Customer Deposits
Total Senior Debt
Derivatives (Liabilities)
Trading Liabilities
Subordinated Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Equity
Average Equity
Financial Datapoint 2021 2022 2023
Net Interest Income
Interest Income
Interest Expenses
Net Non-Interest Income
Net Fee and Commission Income
Net Trading Income
Unrealized Gains or Losses on Financial Instruments Designated at Fair Value
Other Non-Interest Income
Total Operating Income
Total Impairment Charges and Provisions
Loan Impairment Provisions
Other Financial Assets Impairment Provisions
Other Impairment Charges and Provisions
Net Operating Income
Operating Costs
Staff Expenses
General and Administrative Expenses (excluding depreciation)
Total Profit or Loss on Discontinued Operations & Extraordinary Items
Pre-Tax Profits
Net Income
Financial Datapoint 2021 2022 2023
Core Tier 1 or CET 1
Adjustments to CET1
Net CET1
Additional Tier 1
Tier 1 Capital
Tier 2 Capital
Total Risk-Weighted Assets
Credit Risk-Weighted Assets
Market Risk-Weighted Assets
Operational Risk-Weighted Assets
Off-Balance Sheet Risk-Weighted Assets
Counterparty Credit Risk
BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio (Core Tier1 %)
BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio (Tier 1)
BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio (Total)
Financial Datapoint 2021 2022 2023
Return on Assets
Return on Capital
Return on Equity
Return on RWA
Net Interest Margin
Profit Margin
Net Interest Income to Average Assets
Net Income to Average Assets
Net Income to Average Equity
Asset Utilisation
Equity Multiplier
Non-Performing Loans (NPL%)
Gross Impaired Loans to Gross Total Loans
Total Impairment Charges to Total Operating Income
Total Impairment Charges to Gross Total Loans
Cash Held as % Total Deposits
Loans to Assets Ratio
Loans to Deposits Ratio
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Net Stable Funding Ratio
Capital Assets Ratio
Debt to Equity Ratio
Total Senior Debt to Total Equity
Total Senior Debt to Total Liabilities
Total Senior Debt plus Subordinated Liabilities to Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities to Total Assets
Cost/Income Ratio
Staff Costs to Total Operating Expenses
General and Admin Expenses to Total Operating Expenses
Pre-Tax Profit per $ of Staff Costs
Loan Coverage Ratio
Allowance for Loan Losses to Gross Total Loans
RWA Density
Credit Risk to Total RWA
Market Risk to Total RWA
Operational Risk to Total RWA
Counterparty Credit Risk to Credit Risk Weighted Assets
Counterparty Credit Risk to Total Risk Weighted Assets
High Quality Liquid Assets to Total Assets
Net Interest Income to Total Operating Income
Net Fee and Commission Income to Total Operating Income
Net Trading Income to Total Operating Income
Net Non-Interest Income to Total Operating Income
Financial Datapoint 2021 2022 2023
Total Number of Customers
Number of Retail Customers
Number of Corporate Customers
Number of ATMs
Employees (Total)
Branches (Total)
Compliance Information 2021 2022 2023
Limited Capital Disclosure
Pillar 3
National Accounting Standard