Diversified Consultants Inc – Debt Collection Agency

Diversified Consultants, Inc. (DCI) is a is a full-service collection agency specializing in accounts receivable management functions primarily for telecom and cable providers and their affiliated billing and business partners located throughout the United States. Services include 3rd party collections, Pre-collection services, Legal and Call center services.

(800) 771-5361 ( Contact Diversified Consultants, Inc at this number)

info@dcicollect.com ( Contact DCI at this email address )



0550 Deerwood Park Blvd Suite #309
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(800) 771-5361

Customer Care & Service:
5120 Interchange Way
Louisville, KY 4022


Source of information / References:

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Information presented about this collection agency may not be 100% accurate or may have changed since we created this page. Kindly visit the agency’s website for the most up to date information.

Copyright: Nexa Collections | 2023
All information on this website is for general information only and is not an experts advice. We do not own any responsibility for correctness or authenticity of the information, or any loss or injury resulting from it. Nexa is not a collection agency. Relevant inquiries are contacted by our shortlisted collection agency partner(s)