Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

In QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop (Contactors Edition) we had a standard report available called Job (called Projects in QBO) Profitability Summary report. It showed Act Cost, Act Revenue and $ Diff. by Job name.

This is a quick view report for management but I have not been able to duplicate or modify a report in QBO to achieve the same results. Suggestions?

10 Comments 10 QuickBooks Team ‎August 12, 2021 12:58 PM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

Allow me to share an idea of how to modify reports in QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online are two different platforms. There are times that we can't pull up the same reports between the two.

In QuickBooks Online, I can guide you on how to pull up reports and get the information you need. You’ll need to turn on the Project feature first, so you’ll be able to create a project and pull up the profitability report.

  1. Go to the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Under Your Company , select Account and Settings .
  3. Select Advanced .
  4. Find the Projects section and select Edit ✎ to expand it.
  5. Turn on the Use project financial tracking toggle.
  6. Select Save and Done .

Once done, you can now pull up a report by following these steps:

  1. Go to Projects on the left pane.
  2. Double-click the project name.
  3. Under Project reports , Select Project Profitability .
  4. Filter your desired date.
  5. Then click run the report.

Check out this article for more detailed steps: Set up and create projects in QuickBooks Online.

I've also included some articles that help you streamline the reporting process in QuickBooks:

Drop me a comment below if you have further questions about reports. I'll always have your back.

‎August 12, 2021 01:01 PM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

This is already on and we use the projects reports as you describe, for each project report.

I'm looking for a date range and summary on all projects.

QuickBooks Team ‎August 12, 2021 03:40 PM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

Let me share what I know about the reports for projects in QuickBooks Online.

Currently, the reports available for projects are Project profitability , Time cost by employee or vendor , and Unbilled time and expenses . But keep in mind, that data shown on these reports are exclusive to the project in question.

That being said, there isn't any available report that shows related data for all projects within the given date. I see how this can be beneficial to you and as well as other users of QuickBooks Online. I'll make sure that our product engineers will be informed about it. This way, they may consider it on the next updates.

Just in case you need further information about Project features in QuickBooks Online, you can check out this article: Projects FAQ. It contains lists of common questions with answers and related links.

You can post a reply below if you still have other questions about project. I'll keep an eye on your response. Have a wonderful day!

‎July 09, 2022 02:51 PM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

Is there any update as to when this will be made available? This is a critical thing to have access to from a management standpoint. This was one of the major disappointments when I transitioned from QB Desktop to QBO.

QuickBooks Team ‎July 09, 2022 04:23 PM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

I appreciate for bringing this to our attention, jpcbarlow.

I'll be sharing details about report for projects and when this will be public in QuickBooks Online.

For now, we’re unable to provide you with a specific date when will be available in the QuickBooks Online. Rest assured that every user will be communicated with accordingly about any changes or updates done for the product.

Please know that our product developers consider all suggestions based on the number of requests and their impact on the user interface before they're rolled out.

I would recommend visiting our blog site. This is where we share recent happenings and future developments, such as updates to newly added features. Here's a link: QuickBooks Blog.

On the other hand, you can utilize this article to learn more about recording and make bank deposits in QuickBooks Online.

I'm always here to help if you have any other concerns or questions. Just tag my name in the comment section and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

‎May 22, 2023 11:24 AM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

Did you ever get an update or way to print the job profitability report? Our company just got switched over from desktop to online. We used that singular report DAILY for many things. I am crippled in my job without it. I do not understand why QB online version did away with this standard report.

Thank you for any help you can offer!

‎May 22, 2023 11:27 AM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

I recently switched from desktop to online and I am having a hard time! We use this report multiple times a day for multiple functions. Did you ever find a solution? Thank you for your help!

QuickBooks Team ‎May 22, 2023 12:55 PM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

Welcome to the Community, ksigler79.

I recognize how vital it is for your company to handle your jobs efficiently in QuickBooks Online (QBO). This allows you to keep track of your job or project expenses and compare them to your revenue. Let me point you in the right direction on how to build the report you need.

At this time, you'll have to run the Project profitability report since the Job Profitability Summary report is unavailable in the online program. Let's head to the Project Center to accomplish this task.

I'm here to help and show you the steps. Here's how:

  1. In your company, head to the Projects menu on the left panel.
  2. Click on the project's name to see more details.
  3. Go to the Project Reports tab and select Project profitability .
  4. On the report's page, set the correct date range and accounting method.
  5. Tap the Run report button for the changes to take effect.
  6. Press the Printer icon to print the statement.

You can also use the Customize function to refine the data on your reports. To get acclimated to the projects feature and accounting activities, feel free to browse the following links:

Fill me in if you have other QuickBooks concerns or additional questions about running job reports. I'll jump right back in to assist you further.

‎May 31, 2023 10:09 AM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

I don't understand how this feature isn't available in QBO. We were forced to move from QB desktop to QBO so we could continue to run payroll and a large majority of reports used in desktop are not available in QBO. Job Profitability Summary Report is a must have. When will this be available?

QuickBooks Team ‎May 31, 2023 11:50 AM

Job (Project) Profitability Summary Report

I appreciate you joining in on this thread, tbbofalabamakh. I'm here to share additional insights and help you run the report you need.

I understand the relevance of having the Job Profitability Summary report on your business to help you track and manage your customer's jobs or projects. In the meantime, we can only run the Project Profitability report from the Projects section. As QuickBooks aims to improve the program's compatibility and product experience, there's no specific timeframe for when this accessible report will be available in QuickBooks Online. Thus, I've added the steps below for you to be guided.

  1. Go to the Projects menu from the left panel and click on the project's name to view more details.
  2. From the Project Reports tab, select Project profitability .
  3. Set the correct date range and accounting method.
  4. Once done, click the Run report button.
  5. Click on the Printer icon to print the statement.

Alternatively, you'll want to consider running the Profit and Loss by Customer report. It contains detailed information for each of your customer's jobs and other financial data to help you review their project's profitability. To do this:

  1. Go to Reports from the left menu bar.
  2. Enter Profit and Loss by Customer report from the search bar.
  3. Modify its date range and accounting method, and click the Customize button.
  4. From the Filter dropdown, select Customer and choose the specific Customer: Job from the dropdown section.
  5. Once done, click Run report .

Moreover, you can add specific data and other customization settings to your reports through this reference: Customize reports in QuickBooks Online . It also includes detailed information on creating custom reports and exporting them in an Excel or PDF file.

You're always welcome to reply on this thread if you have additional questions or other QuickBooks concerns. We'll be delighted to help you anytime. Have a good one!