Important Clauses for LLC Operating Agreements

The Operating Agreement acts like a “partnership agreement” between the owners of a LLC. Important clauses for LLC Operating Agreements are critical, and a well-written and customized Operating Agreement for your business is essential to preventing very expensive problems from rearing their ugly heads years later.

The problem for many business owners, is they formed their LLC online themselves or hired a non-lawyer Internet company to form their LLC. Consequently, these folks either have no Operating Agreement, or they have a poorly written template that is not customized for the business.

The Operating Agreement isn’t an academic exercise or a document that collects dust in the back office. Instead, the Operating Agreement is absolutely critical to:

Control how decisions are made.

A free Operating Agreement template, or the template you received from a non-lawyer Internet company, will simply not have all the right language to meet your specific needs. You need a customized Operating Agreement. Does your LLC have a proper operating agreement?

Important Clauses for LLC Operating Agreements

Important clauses for LLC Operating Agreements include:

If you’re considering using a free template Operating Agreement, consider our low-cost, customized Operating Agreement instead. We call it the Couture Operating Agreement, which helps you create a high-quality, highly customized Operating Agreement for your business. It’s just $29.95, although it’s free to anyone who forms a LLC or Anonymous LLC with us.

Law 4 Small Business, P.C. (L4SB). A little law now can save a lot later. A Slingshot company.

Author: Larry Donahue

Larry Donahue is a managing member of the firm, with 30-years of experience as an attorney with a focus on Internet law, intellectual property, corporate law, and contracts. Larry leads the firm's Internet sales efforts. He is licensed in the states of Illinois and New Mexico, as well as at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).